These folx were so amazing in 2023, we had to bring them back! Join acclaimed artists Sheldon Rua and Talia Stanley for a workshop and/or exclusive live performance from the Victory Boxing ring – bring a poem or just come to listen.
Last year’s Victory Poetry Slam was a huge hit thanks to all performers and participants – we are so thrilled to bring back this epic collaboration with Action Education and Victory Boxing!
Spoken Word speaks truth to power. From orators to MC’s, Aotearoa is home to rich storytelling traditions and one of the world’s most powerful performance poetry communities.
Join internationally acclaimed facilitators and Spoken Word artists, Sheldon Rua and Talia Stanley for a Spoken Word Workshop at Victory Community Centre, and follow up with an exclusive performance live at Victory Boxing later that afternoon.
All workshop participants will leave with a poem.
Both events open to all experience levels. There will also be an open mic preceding the featured poets at the performance.
Take part in one of these events, or both – everyone is welcome!
You can register for the workshop HERE, or book tickets by clicking on the button to your right.
WORKSHOP: Victory Community Centre
Sun 27 Oct | 12.30pm | 120 min
You can register for the workshop HERE.
PERFORMANCE: Victory Boxing
Sun 27 Oct | 5pm | 75 min
Book tickets by clicking the link below.
Pay What You Can (PWYC)
Content warnings: Open Mic will be uncensored, but Hate Speech Free