Someone once said if the music scene in Aotearoa was a house, then Don McGlashan would be a load-bearing beam. From Blam Blam Blam, The Front Lawn, through to The Mutton Birds and his four acclaimed solo albums, that beam remains as strong as ever. McGlashan’s most recent solo album, Bright November Morning, went straight to No.1 and marks a new stage in Don’s generous and humane songbook.
For this bright October afternoon, Don McGlashan & The Others will be journeying through the new album, but with plenty of back catalogue thrown in. Get ready to sample some top-shelf songwriting, played by an all-star band.
Click here to listen to Don McGlashan on Spotify
The gates at Neudorf will be open from Noon with a gourmet pizza oven on site to enjoy lunch in the garden with a cold glass of rosé before Don McGlashan and The Others take the stage.
Sun 30 Oct | 2.00 pm (doors 12 noon)
75 min
Pay What You Can (PWYC)
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